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Alkaline Performance Water

Alkaline water works to raise the body's PH levels, helping muscles maintain oxygen levels longer and use oxygen more efficiently during workouts, practices and games... allowing for a better physical activity environment for the body. Every breath you take, every time a muscle contracts, there are metabolic acids that are produced, such as lactic and pyruvic acid. The presence of these acids creates a burning sensation in the muscle, muscle fatigue and muscle weakness. This prevents further exertion of the muscle until recovery takes place. The more water that you have available in the tissues; the easier it is for these acids to be removed from the muscle tissue. This can hasten recovery time and lessen micro scar tissue and weakness from the metabolic acids. Higher alkalinity will reduce acidic residue even further and faster, with less possibility of injury.


The important thing to know is that just because an athlete is fit, does not mean he is healthy. In fact, many athletes suffer from chronic injury, inflammatory disorders, even early cancer. The high level of metabolic acids chronically present in muscle tissue could be a strong factor. By increasing alkalinity and reducing acidic byproducts, the body’s buffering systems can work more efficiently and effectively.




What Does Alkaline Water Do?
  • Increases PH levels

  • Improves Hydration

  • Increases Endurance

  • Speeds Recovery

  • Increases Energy

  • Improves Joint Health

  • Prevents Cramping

  • Improves Athletic Performance

Hydration with Alkaline Water

Electrical signaling is lightning fast, more oxygen gets to the cell, increasing VO2 max and acidic waste that is often stored in fat cells and easily removed. Hydration from alkaline water is unique because it reaches every cell. Hydration drinks used by athletes have high levels of acidity, which rob the body of alkalinizing minerals and steal vital calcium from bones, cartilage and tissues. The restructuring of water to an alkaline form also means it is absorbed into tissues faster than any othertype of water and all the minerals are already present in the water and in a form that evert cell has access to.

pH Levels and Exercise

Exercise capacity is increased in a higher cellular pH environment, fostered prior to exercise. The metabolic process that keeps pH balanced is highly taxed in an acidic environment, making the body work even harder to keep cellular pH levels up. Alkaline water can raise pH levels, making it easier for the body to perform.

Athletes and trainers know that even small changes in pH can really affect performance, because muscles do their best work in a very narrow pH range. This is why when metabolites lower pH muscle function is reduced and the production of ATP energy is also reduced. So the more acidity that is present, the less muscles can contract. Even the electrical stimulus necessary for peak performance drops significantly.

How Does it Help Athletes

Muscle fatigue is a nearly constant problem for athletes trying to perform at their highest levels. Studies show that high levels of exercise create an acidic muscular environment, leading to muscle fatigue. Alkaline water helps prevent acidic build up in the muscles, increasing their ability to use oxygen.

Some of the Athletes Who Swear By It

Barry Zito: Pitcher, San Fransisco Giants

Derek Lee:First Baseman, Chicago Cubs

Miguel Cotto: 4x World Boxing Champion

Ryan Dempster: Pitcher, Boston Red Sox

Wade McNutt: Competitive Body Builder

Dotsie Bausch: 5 time national champion cyclist

James Lee: MMA Champion

Aluun-Wyn Jones: Professional Rubgy Player, Ospreys

Quintin Demps: DB, Kansas City Cheifs

P.A. Parentau: Right Winger, Colorado Avalanche

Curtis Marsh: Cornerback, Philidelphia Eagles

Rob Nunn: Golfer, PGA


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